Modal Analysis
Our staff can perform experimental modal analysis to provide natural frequencies, mode shapes, and damping ratios for the structure.
Understanding the real modal behavior of a structure is crucial to providing an accurate, validated finite element model.

Add Experimental Modal Data To Your Modeling Results
Utilizing an instrumented hammer or shaker, a known input force is introduced to the system and the response is measured at multiple locations on the structure. This data is then processed to provide natural frequencies, mode shapes, and damping ratios for the structure. These results can be used to validate finite element models, identify potential operational issues, and provide damping data that is vital for any fatigue life or dynamic stress calculations.
For blade tip timing, understanding the real modal behavior of the structure is crucial to providing an accurate, validated finite element model that can turn the measured tip deflection into real stress values on the blade. Validating the model before system operation also helps in the placement of the blade tip timing probes to properly capture the modes of interest. Modal testing also complements our health monitoring services and provides vibration diagnostic and troubleshooting information. Please contact us about your application.
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M-F: 8am - 5pm

106 E. Warren St.,
Tullahoma, TN 37388